
Detox Program

Detox Program
Due to our present-day lifestyle and diet, toxins (ama) accumulate and lodge deep in our tissues. With specific therapies of Panchakarma, these toxins are first loosened and brought to the surface. Then, these are purged from the system, thus restoring balance to the body and mind. 
Panchakarma is highly customized to the individual – given their constitution and their specific health condition. After an in-depth initial consultation, the 5-day preparatory phase is done at home. For the core part of the program, you’ll be in my office for 5 consecutive days. The integration phase is another 5-days done at home. A follow-up consultation done a month later educates you on how to sustain the benefits of the Panchakarma.
Ayur Balance

Benefits of Detox Program

Detoxification of the major body systems

Eliminates impurities from the body and the mind

Restores body constitution, improving health and well-being

Strengthens the immune system
Enhances strength, energy and mental clarity

Book your session today.

Discover the transformative power of Ayurveda with our personalized therapy sessions. We use ancient techniques to balance your mind, body, and spirit, addressing the root cause of your symptoms. Book your session today and start a journey to natural healing and rejuvenation.


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(505) 302-5360‬

